Given the UK Climate the ability to use site won soils within Construction works can be a challenge with stringent specification requirements. Soils in upper weathered layers in the UK tend to be naturally to the higher end or above their optimum moisture content, add in inclement weather during the works and the ability to meet specifications often becomes problematic. The addition of a binder in a stabilisation process can minimise the effect on your Program.
Soil Stablimisation is the process of adding a binder (Cement or Lime) to a soil to alter the physical properties of the soil making it suitable for a specific use. The process generally requires the controlled spreading of lime or cement over the material in an amount determined by prior testing. Mixing takes place to incorporate the binder into the material. Area is then trimmed and compacted. Soils can be mixed up to 500mm deep.
The process generally requires the controlled spreading of lime or cement over the material in an amount determined by prior testing. Mixing takes place to incorporate the binder into the material. Area is then trimmed and compacted. Soils can be mixed up to 500mm deep.
This process can be used to improve a material in two ways.
- Modifying the moisture content of a soil to bring it without allowable limited to achieve compaction to the required specification. Minimum 95% compaction with less than 5% air voids in high moisture soils likely unachievable without this modification.
- Stabilisation of a Soil to improve the strength and stiffness characteristics
Soil stabilisation can be utilised in almost all projects that want to maximise usage of site won soils, minimise soil export and reduce need to import costly aggregates.
- Environmental benefits reducing disposal and import of materials
- Reduced truck movements to and from site
- Better value achievable against other engineering solutions
- Can reduce or eliminate the need for stone layers
- Can eliminate the need to transfer foundations loading back down through the upfill material to the original strata
Some Applications
- Capping replacement layers >CBR15%
- Piling mattresses and Crane Pads
- Temporary haul roads and compounds
- Working platforms
- Conditioning non-engineering material to an engineered fill.
The process generally requires the controlled spreading of lime or cement over the material in an amount determined by prior testing. Mixing then takes place to incorporate the binder into the material. Area is then trimmed and compacted. Soils can be mixed up to 500mm deep. Testing is usually carried out during the works in accordance with the specified requirements which commonly includes density testing and strength testing by means of CBR or Plate Load testing.